Cold Weather Coming

Some of the coldest weather we’ve seen in some time is expected to move into the area for the upcoming holiday weekend, and if you haven’t already done so, now is the time to make final preparations. Make sure your HVAC unit is operating properly so your auxiliary heat doesn’t kick in, because it uses a lot more electricity. Make sure your water pipes are protected so they don’t freeze and then burst, which can lead to costly repairs. One tip… leave the water in the farthest tap away from the water main running slightly… just a slow drizzle about the size of the lead in a pencil will do the trick and keep the pipes from freezing by keeping the water in them moving. Close off your crawl space or any other vents. Be sure to turn off and drain your outside faucets. If all else fails, you should at least know where your main water shut off is so you can access it quickly in an emergency.